Workshops & Classes

Weekly Classes



5.45-7.15pm at Yogasara, Picton Street, Bristol  Click Here for details



1-2.15pm at Alchemy, Camden Stables, Chalk Farm Road, London Click Here for details
6.45-8pm at Alchemy



Workshops in 2009

1. The Paths to Prosperity – this will be spent clearing the six directions, enlightening, quickening and re-establishing the auric filed to open, receive and TRUST in God, and your place in this Cosmic Dance.  Behind (past), Left (feminine), In front (the future), Right (masculine), Below (connection to Nature – groundedness) and Above (connection to God – Spirituality).  Finer tuning these direction’s to serve Prosperity by creating an Alignment with Abundance.

For more information on the Six:  The Paths to Prosperity click here

2.  Conscious Conception – these teachings are two-fold.  Ideal for people planning on having a baby, or having problem’s conceiving.  As well as for people, conceiving other creative projects, and again for those who feel their creativity has dried up.  Conscious Conception delves deep into the SELF that creates and sets the stage for the most beautiful and sacred conception (merging of energies)  yours and the creative ingredients to manifest on Earth.
Finally the clarity behind the most Divine Act on Earth.

For More information on Conscious Conception click here

3.  Creation of The Aquarian Consciousness these will be direct teachings and kriyas, getting us prepared for the Aquarian Age that breaks through in 2012.  Powerful Kriyas for the Nervous and Glandular System, and profound and deep meditations to amplify our awareness.  Purely working on expanding and sensitising our awareness and sensory systems, way beyond our 5 senses.

For More information on Creation of The Aquarian Consciousness click here

4. Ancient Alchemy – these teachings are based around the “inner” and “outer” journey.    Only  ever offered as a Retreat, Ancient Alchemy takes us to places on the planet, that will inspire the two-fold journey.  Places that hold the mystery of the Grail Love Story.  Ancient Alchemy, are for those wishing to have a profound experience, and have been on the Spiritual path for a while.  7 Days, 7 Chakra’s and 7 Destinations to arouse and awaken dormant celluar energies and memories.

Siridatta’s Schedule for 2009

Kundalini Yoga Classes, Workshops and Retreats


Six: The Paths to Prosperity ( a taster class)
Friday 27th from 5.15-6.45 at Alchemy, Camden Stables, London Click Here for info Cost £13

Six: The Paths to Prosperity

Saturday 28th, 10-5pm at Shekinashram, Dod Lane, Glastonbury  Click Here for details Cost £45


Six: The Paths to Prosperity (the workshop)

Sunday 1st March, 10-4pm at Alchemy, London  Cost £70

Six:  The Paths to Prosperity

Saturday 7th March, 2-5pm at Yogasara, Picton St, Bristol Click Here for details Cost £25

Dissolving Past Relationships

20th-21st March ( Spring Equinox) in Cologne, Germany.  Email Sheyda for details


Conscious Conception
Sunday 5th April, 10-1 at Yogasara, Picton Street, Bristol Cost £25

Six: The Paths to Prosperity
Sunday 19th, 10-5pm at The Special Yoga Centre, West London Click here for details Cost £65

Six: The Paths to Prosperity
Sunday 26th 10-4pm at The Yoga Life Centre, Eastbourne Click Here for details Cost £55


Six: The Paths to Prosperity
Saturday 9th May 10-1.  Venue: Kundalini Yoga Centre @ Sikh Missionary Society, 1st Floor, Entrance Dominion Road, Southall UB2 5DP Cost £20

RAW – A weekend of raw foods and Kundalini Yoga

15th-17th At The Brightlife Centre, Isle of Man click here for details

Six: The Paths to Prosperity

Saturday 11th April, 10-5pm at The Isbourne Centre, Cheltenham, Gloucs Cost £50

Conscious Conception
Friday 29th, 5.15-6.45pm a taster class at Alchemy, London Cost £13

Conscious Conception
Sunday 31st 10-4pm, at Alchemy, London Cost £70


Ancient Alchemy
5th-12th at Les Labadous, Rennes Les Chateau, Southern France
A week of Kundalini Yoga, Cathar Trails, Templar Castles, Hot and cold springs, Mary Magdalene, The Bloodline, Isis Temples, Visigoths Empires…..  Cost £480 includes accomodation, vegetarian food, adventures, twice a day yoga)  flights and transfers extra. Fly to Carcassonne with Ryan Air.  To see the Les Labadous site click here for more info

Creation  of Aquarian Concsiounsess – Evening Class 19th June at The    Special Yoga Centre, West London from 7-9.30pm  Cost £30

Six: The Paths to Prosperity
Saturday 27th June, 10-1 at Yogasara, Picton St, Bristol Cost £25


Ancient Alchemy
Sunday 5th July, from 10-5pm  at The Special Yoga Centre, West London Cost £65

Concious Conception

Sunday 12th July at The ogalife Stuidio, Eastbourne, Nr Brighton Cost £55


Ancient Alchemy

7th-14th August at Les Labadous, Rennes Les Chateau, Southern France

A week of Kundalini Yoga, Cathar Trails, Templar Castles, Hot and cold  springs, Mary   Magdalene,    The Bloodline, Isis Temples, Visigoths Empires…..  Cost £480

click here for more info


Kundalini Yoga Australian Tour

Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney and Byron Bay


Dissolving Past Relationships (taster class)
Friday 16th October, from 7-9.30pm at The Special Yoga Centre, West London  Cost £30

Dissolving Past Relationships (the Workshop)
Sunday 25th October, from 10-5pm at The Special Yoga Centre, West London  Cost £65


Click Here For Testimonials

Email me for further info on any of these events…


1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Camilla Morgon  |  May 15, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    Hello, are there any spaces left for the Deadly sins worshops on the last three dates ?- im sure they get booked very quickly!


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