Conscious Conception

January 8, 2009 at 6:16 am Leave a comment


Balancing the Trinity

Siri Datta will introduce you to the idea of “Conscious Conception”.  Working with Kundalini Energy, to bring acute awareness into the “grace” that invites conception.  To infuse your subtle energy, harness your projection and to direct and focus your life-force with authenticity and integrity.

Are you aware that the sexual genes are less than 2% of the total genes, but they have the power to change the expression of 40% of all the other genes?  This means if we can uplift and raise the frequency of the sexual genes, they in turn will elevate 40% of our DNA!

During this workshop, you will come to experience Kundalini Yoga techniques to delve deep into the gene pool, and create small changes in the expression of these sex-related genes.  This in turn, will alter the expression of the muscles, liver, nerves and brain.
Leaving you free and open to use your perception, instincts and intelligence to apply consciousness to your relationships and the liberating freedom of great communication.

Conscious Conception is:

• For people considering having a baby in this lifetime
• For people who are trying for a child, but experiencing problems
• For women who have mis-carried
• For people interested in this relativity new subject (teachings were discovered in 2006)

Siri Datta is a master teacher of Kundalini Yoga.  She has been teaching and researching Human Consciousness for over 12 years.  She is the author of Open your Heart with Kundalini Yoga, and regular writer for many health and spirituality magazines.

She oozes enthusiasm and inspiration.  Her passion is to clearly and directly guide people through this time in evolution with the techniques of Kundalini Yoga, also known as The Yoga of Awareness.

She is part of this Global Transition and it’s her life’s work to share and teach this technology.
Siri Datta –

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Six:The Paths to Prosperity Wake Up and ROAR!

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